Sunday, November 22, 2009

First blog ...

Halllo there ladies and gents.

Thought I would include a blog on my website to show recent shoots and also to let people know of up coming events.

Some things that I have coming up:

I have many a music gig to photograph, starting with Angie Hart (formally from Frente!) on November 26th ..

  • Jeff Marin and the Armada on December 2nd
  • British India on December 3rd and 4th
  • The Basics on December 12th
  • LaVista’s “Who we are” show on December 13th

-Then the next thing is Falls! Aww yeahh... I am an official Falls photographer this year and am uber chuffed.

  • And early in the new year I have Soundscape Music Festival 2010.

Also i’m planning an exhibition, hopefully in January sometime... but will have more info on that a little bit later on.

Well that’s it for now, thanks for stopping by.

Stay cool,